Thursday 27 May 2010

Workshop: Material Formations_ 06

Workshop: Material Formations_ 05

Workshop: Material Formations_ 04

Workshop: Material Formations_ 03

Workshop: Material Formations_ 02

Workshop: Material Formations_ 01

Material Formations: The workshop that I was running at ITU will be exhibited and published as a part of the London Festival of Architecture.
About Material Formations:
The workshop consists of 14 student aims that they question the material and form within an integral design strategy. Materials with inherent characteristics are able to perform differently when forces are applied. The intent is designing with a ‘bottom up’ approach where the material performance derive the actual design process, unlike the generic approach where the materialisation take place within a ‘top down’ engineering solution. The aim is to generate the form through the knowledge of the material intelligence within an algorithmic system by investigating the notions such as generative systems, evolutionary design, rule-based design and by formalizing the system structure based on geometric relations & computing. Building elements such as structural system, building skin, floor, roof etc. are re-evaluated, and transformed into a continuous system derived by the material performance. The students investigated the material behaviour & its performance through prototyping processes.

About the Event at London Festival of Architecture: Spontaneous Schooling
18 June - 4 July 2010
Opening 6 - 11pm 18 June
Roundtable on workshops at 6pm
3.01 Tea Building, 56 Shoreditch High Street (entrance from Bethnal Green Road)
Sponsored by Nous 4m and Derwent London

About the exhibition at ITU: Material Formations & Prototypes
14 May- 30 June 2010
ITU Department of Architecture: 109, Taskisla Taksim 34437 Istanbul / TR

Monday 3 May 2010

Article published

Yazici, Sevil: 2010, Creating Space with Material Intelligence, Mimarlikta Malzeme, Vol. 05 No.15, pp. 53-63, Turkish Chamber of Architects Press, Istanbul, (ISSN 13066501)

Please visit:

Components Generated by GH 02

Components Generated by GH 01

Saturday 1 May 2010

Generative Design Through Coding 02


Option Explicit
'Call sinusyuzeyi()
Sub sinusyuzeyi()
Dim cisim, nokta, i, noktaKoordinati
' girdiler: noktalar + cisim
cisim = Rhino.GetObject("tekrarlanacak cisimleri seçiniz")
nokta = Rhino.GetObjects("cisimlerin atanacağı noktaları seçiniz")
' tüm noktalar için döngü oluştur
For i = 0 To UBound(nokta)
' noktanın pozisyonu belirlenir
noktaKoordinati = Rhino.PointCoordinates(nokta(i))
' cismi belirlenen posizyona atama
Rhino.CopyObject cisim, Array(0,0,0), noktaKoordinati
End Sub

Generative Design Through Coding 01

This research offers to transform double-curved surfaces into components generated through algorithms based on McNeel Rhinoceros scripting platform. The extracted points of surfaces are transferred into a text document which can be manipulated by the user. Rhino script works in two stages, in which first the location of the text document is specified and then the components are applied. The intent is to generate a process, in which computational surface is transformed into a component based model.
all NoktaOkuma()
Sub NoktaOkuma()
' Aktarılacak dosyanın yeri belirtilir
Dim strFilter, strFileName
strFilter = "Text File (*.txt)
All Files (*.*)
"strFileName = Rhino.OpenFileName("Noktaların bulunduğu dosyanın yerini belirtiniz", strFilter)
If IsNull(strFileName) Then Exit Sub
' Dosya sistem cismi
Dim objFSO, objFile
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' Metin dosyasını açınız
On Error Resume Next
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFileName, 1)
If Err Then
MsgBox Err.Description

Article published

Yazici, S.: 2009, Innovative Material Systems, Mimarlikta Malzeme, Vol. 04 No. 14, pp.42-48, Turkish Chamber of Architects Press, Istanbul (ISSN 13066501)

Computational Surface Generation

Computational surface generation through the GH interface
f (x) = y * sin (z * x)
This research aims to investigate the generative process of components that belong to a double-curved computational surface, derived through the mathematical curve function f (x) = y* sin (z*x°) applied in two distinct directions. The surface parameters are able to vary and create time-based differentiated formal outputs in a digital parametric system. The parametric system is established through the set of rules and defined relations based on the McNeel Rhinocereos / Grasshopper platform. Geometry optimization becomes the integral part of the design process when the parametric model shifts into the architectural scale. Please visit: to watch the animation.

Bi-Stable Structures by Zero.1

The research involved by the use of bi-stable metal (tape spring with convex cross section) that falls in two positions of equilibrium flat or curled. Zero.1 explored the material behavior of Bi-stable Structure: its capacity to deploy time-based boundaries through sequential transformation. Please visit for more information.